
Flight Information Display System - FIDS.

Flight Information Display System ensures that all relevant information is displayed at the right time, in the right place.

How It Works

Flight Information Display System - FIDS

Keeping passengers informed is a critical operation for the modern airports – improving passenger experience, passenger flow and subsequently airport operations efficiency.

When surroundings are unfamiliar and time is critical, people rely on display systems to guide them to their desired destination. Sophisticated flight information systems have to take existing language barriers into consideration and must provide accurate and complete information at all relevant locations. They have to be easily configurable, must run automatically and should be aesthetically pleasing. Our FIDS include

  • Flight Arrival Display System with information on Flight No , STA, ETA, and flight present status.
  • Flight Departure Display System with info on ETD, Gate No etc
  • CheckIn Counter Display System with info on Airline, Flight No and Class of Passengers.
  • Baggage Claim Display System
  • Language Dictionary

    We offer a comprehensive Indian Language Dictionary designed for all flight information fields. This feature ensures that any flight information entered in English by the operator is automatically translated into Hindi and an additional local Indian language specific to the site requirements.

    Baggage Claim Software Module

    The FIDS software includes a Baggage Claim module that assigns baggage belt numbers to the flights. When a flight status changes to "ARRIVED," the baggage claim information is displayed on the relevant monitors. Data for the first and last bags is timestamped, updated in the database, and displayed. The system also provides a directory listing for baggage claim facilities and can interface with other baggage handling systems. The module is operated from the client workstation by authorized personnel.

    Automatic Flight Announcement System

    This module scans the flight information database, constructs and converts announcements into voice format, and sends them to the appropriate PA system zone. It automatically translates flight information into voice for announcements and selects the zone for the PA system to make the announcement.

    Kiosk for Departure/Arrival/Security Hall

    The kiosk software system boasts a modular design for seamless replace ability without compromising on strength. The Kiosk act as in input device for the airport staff to update various display on real-time basis assigning belt no and other information.

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